
Comparison Tools

Since the comparison tools depend on the packages DataFrames and PyPlot they are not loaded automatically. To use them call loadcomparisontools() or individually loadcompare() and loadplotcomparison().

This function is loaded with loadcompare() (requires DataFrames).

        agent2generator::Function, ...)

Returns a DataFrame of N runs of all the agents on the environment.

The DataFrame has the columns :learner (a string identifying the agent), :value (the result of getvalue(metric) and :seed (the random seed used for this run). This macro requires and loads the module DataFrames (can be installed with Pkg.add("DataFrames"). If environment is an environment generator function a new environment is generated N times. Otherwise the same environment is reset N times.


result = compare(10, () -> MDP(), MeanReward(), ConstantNumberSteps(100), 
                 () -> Agent(QLearning(λ = 0.)), 
                 () -> Agent(QLearning(λ = .8)))

This can also be written as:

metric = MeanReward()
stopcrit = ConstantNumberSteps(100)
pol = VeryOptimisticEpsilonGreedyPolicy(.1)
getnewmdp() = MDP()
getnewQ1() = Agent(QLearning(λ = 0.), policy = pol)
getnewQ2() = Agent(QLearning(λ = .8), policy = pol)
result = compare(10, getnewmdp, metric, stopcrit, getnewQ1, getnewQ2)

This function is loaded with loadplotcomparison() (requires PyPlot, DataFrames).

plotcomparison(results; labels = Dict(), colors = [], thin = .1, thick = 2, smoothingwindow = 0)

Plots results obtained with compare.

The dictionary labels can be used to rename the legend entries, e.g. labels = Dict("QLearning_1" => "QLearning λ = .8"). The data is smoothed by a moving average of size smoothingwindow (default: no smoothing).
